Privacy & Cookie Policy

BK Brent’s Game Guides uses cookies to improve your browsing experience. Cookies are essential to this website as they provide support for critical functionality in decreasing page loading times, gathering page view statistics, adding social media support to pages, facilitating advertising units and much more.

This website and will not share your data gathered from cookies with any other websites whatsoever.

As per the EU GDPR laws, this website is obligated to publicly list the Cookies it makes use of. This information can be found in the table below:

Facebooksession1 dayCookies that allow social media interaction with a signed in Facebook account.
Google Adssession4 monthsCookies for adjusting the individual user relevance of google ads.
Google Analyticspersistent6 monthsCookie for recording user browsing data on this website for statistical purposes.
Google+session4 monthsCookies for post/page interaction with a signed in google+ account.
Redditsession2 yearsCookie that facilities social media interaction with a signed in Reddit account.
Skypesession1 dayCookies for social media interactions with a signed in Skype account.
Tumblrsession1 monthCookies for social media interactions with a signed in Tumblr account.
Twittersession1 dayCookies that allow website social media interactions with a signed in Twitter account.
WhatsAppsession1 dayCookie that provides social media interaction with a signed in WhatsApp account.
Widgetsthird party1 yearCookies for various website plugins.
WordAdssession4 monthsCookies for facilitating WordAds displayed to website user.
Wordpresspersistent2 yearsNecessary cookies for Facilities with fast loading web pages and gives interaction access to logged in users.

You may also make use of CookieServe to see the an even more extensive list of Cookies that this website makes use of. For more information on the WordPress Policy on cookies, please check this link.

The comments section of this website is handled by Disqus. As such, commenting on this website will make use of your Disqus account and by extension, the Privacy laws you have agreed to when you created your Disqus account.

Likewise, using any of the social media buttons on this site (twitter, facebook, reddit, WhatsApp, etc.) will correlate to the Privacy Policies that you have agreed to with each respective social media website.

Paypal donations are not handled on this website and this website only contains links to Paypal. All donations are handled externally on Paypal’s secure website.

BK Brent’s Game Guides is an information based website. It does not require any direct input from the user and will not illicit any kind of personal information from any user whatsoever. Outside of comments, its strictly a Read-Only website.

This means that there is not much Privacy infringements that could happen outside of Cookies and what users write in the comments section.