Accel Sword Boss Guides


Boss Weaknesses, Drops, Tactics & Other Information


A nice printable PDF rendition of the Boss Weaknesses was made by V1046RX. Its complete with pictures of each boss along with nice big element symbols that represent their respective weaknesses. Its really nice to have this in front of you either printed or saved on your smartphone for a quick reference on Boss Weaknesses.

This is probably going to be your lifeblood as an Elemental Buffer in the Mugen Dungeon. Make sure you use the hell out of it:
**This reference has been updated to accommodate the Version 2.00 bosses.

Special thanks to V1046RX for making this pdf for this site (>.<)/



Show/Hide Elemental Weakness Spreadsheet 1


 fire  ice  wind  earth  holy  dark
 Sigmund RESIST-fire  –  –  – weak-holy RESIST-dark
 Siegfried RESIST-fire  –  – weak-earth  – RESIST-dark
 Beowulf RESIST-fire weak-ice  –  –  – RESIST-dark
 Thialfi weak-fire weak-ice RESIST-wind weak-earth  – RESIST-dark
 Hraesvelgr weak-ice RESIST-wind  –  – RESIST-dark
 Fjoersvartnir  –  – RESIST-wind  – weak-holy RESIST-dark
 Skadi  –  – weak-wind  – RESIST-holyy weak-dark
 Aurboda weak-fire  – weak-wind  – RESIST-holyy  –
 Jarnsaxa  –  – weak-wind  – RESIST-holyy RESIST-dark
 Dolgthrasir RESIST-fire weak-ice RESIST-wind  –  – RESIST-dark
 Hrungnir weak-fire weak-ice weak-wind weak-earth weak-holy RESIST-dark
 Loki RESIST-fire  – weak-wind  –  – RESIST-dark
 Balder RESIST-fire  – RESIST-wind RESIST-earth weak-holy weak-dark
 Vali RESIST-fire  – RESIST-wind  – weak-holy  –
 Odin  – RESIST-ice RESIST-wind  – RESIST-holyy weak-dark
Show/Hide Elemental Weakness Spreadsheet 2


 fire  ice  wind  earth  holy  dark
 Hildsvini weak-ice weak-wind RESIST-earth  – weak-dark
 Gullinbursti RESIST-fire weak-ice  – RESIST-earth  – RESIST-dark
 Thokk RESIST-fire  –  – RESIST-earth weak-holy RESIST-dark
 Grendel weak-fire RESIST-ice  – RESIST-earth  –  –
 Bergrisi  – weak-wind RESIST-earth  –  –
 Farbauti RESIST-fire weak-ice  – RESIST-earth  –  –
 Hugin  – RESIST-wind  – weak-holy weak-dark
 Munin weak-fire weak-ice RESIST-wind  –  –  –
 Vedfolnir  – RESIST-wind weak-earth  –  –
 Fafnir RESIST-fire  – RESIST-wind weak-earth  – weak-dark
 Vidofnir RESIST-fire  – weak-earth RESIST-holyy  –
 Kung Lindorm RESIST-fire weak-ice RESIST-wind  –  –  –
 Heidrun weak-fire RESIST-ice  – weak-earth RESIST-holyy  –
 Angrboda weak-fire RESIST-ice weak-wind RESIST-holyy RESIST-dark
 Ran RESIST-ice  – weak-earth RESIST-holyy RESIST-dark
Show/Hide Elemental Weakness Spreadsheet 3


 fire  ice  wind  earth  holy  dark
 Hrymr weak-fire RESIST-ice  –  – weak-holy RESIST-dark
 Bergelmir RESIST-fire  –  – weak-earth  – RESIST-dark
 Mimir RESIST-fire weak-ice RESIST-wind  –  – RESIST-dark
 Charon RESIST-fire RESIST-ice RESIST-wind RESIST-earth RESIST-holyy RESIST-dark
 Death RESIST-fire RESIST-ice RESIST-wind RESIST-earth RESIST-holyy RESIST-dark
 Borr ♂ weak-fire  – RESIST-wind  –  –  –
 Arngrim ♂ RESIST-fire  – weak-wind RESIST-earth  –  –
 Bestla ♀ RESIST-ice  – weak-earth  –  –
 Eyfura ♀  – RESIST-wind  –  – weak-dark
 Randgrid weak-fire weak-ice RESIST-wind RESIST-earth weak-holy weak-dark
 Nanna weak-fire weak-ice RESIST-wind weak-earth RESIST-holyy weak-dark
 Hel weak-fire weak-ice RESIST-wind weak-earth weak-holy RESIST-dark
Show/Hide Elemental Weakness Spreadsheet 4


 fire  ice  wind  earth  holy  dark
 Chernobog RESIST-ice weak-wind RESIST-earth weak-holy  –
 Abaddon weak-ice RESIST-wind  – RESIST-holyy weak-dark
 Hati RESIST-fire  – RESIST-wind weak-earth  – weak-dark
 Skoell weak-fire RESIST-ice RESIST-wind  – weak-holy  –
 Ruhiel RESIST-fire RESIST-ice weak-wind weak-earth  –  –
 Rashiel weak-fire weak-ice RESIST-wind RESIST-earth  –  –
 Satet weak-ice weak-wind  –  –  –
 Apesh  –  –  – weak-holy weak-dark
 Verdraengung RESIST-fire RESIST-ice RESIST-wind RESIST-earth RESIST-holyy RESIST-dark
 Melancolia RESIST-fire RESIST-ice RESIST-wind RESIST-earth RESIST-holyy RESIST-dark
 Calamity Vabel RESIST-fire RESIST-ice RESIST-wind RESIST-earth RESIST-holyy RESIST-dark
Panopticon* RESIST-fire RESIST-ice RESIST-wind RESIST-earth RESIST-holyy RESIST-dark
 Providence* RESIST-fire RESIST-ice RESIST-wind RESIST-earth RESIST-holyy RESIST-dark
 Diablos** weak-fire RESIST-wind RESIST-holyy RESIST-dark
 Satanachia** RESIST-fire RESIST-ice RESIST-wind weak-earth



*Panopticon & Providence’s mini eyeballs are weak to all elements.

**The affinities for the bosses added in version 2.00 could be wrong.


This page contains in-depth information on all the various bosses found in the game. The most important things found here is probably the respective Resistance/Weakness tables for each boss. The tables themselves are easy to read, but just in case they may be confusing, I will explain them real quick.

For starters, when a boss is attacked with a specific weapon or element type, there are 3 things that can happen:

  1. No Change. The monster is neither weak nor resistant to the attack. This means that the damage you deal will simply be 100%. This is simply depicted by a “-” in the tables.
  2. Weakness. The monster is weak to the attack used. This means that the damage you deal will be multiplied by a certain factor depending on how weak the monster is to the attack. For Elemental Damage, a Weakness means you will do Double Damage. This is depicted by a Yellow Star that says “WEAK!” in the tables
  3. Resistance. The monster resists the attack that was used. This means that the damage you deal will be a dividend of its base depending on how resistant the monster is to the attack. According to the Strategy Guide, Elemental Resistances can be up to 90% meaning that you can potentially only deal 10% of the elemental damage of an attack . This is depicted as a black shield that says “RESIST” in the tables.

Again, when a boss resists elemental damage, it means you will be doing a portion of the bonus that is added. Example: A boss resists Dark by 90%. But I still use my Enhance Dark (Dark +30%). This means I will be doing +3% Bonus damage. Therefore, Even if a monster resists an element, it is better to use ANY element as opposed to NO element. (+3% vs +0%)

On the other hand, this also means that Enhance Dark (Dark +30%) can turn into Dark +60% if a monster is weak to Dark. This means that Buffing the Elemental Weakness of the Boss is the most important — even more important than buffing the Elemental Strengths of the characters in the party.

Its worth emphasizing that all the information found here is straight from the Strategy Guide. That thing is riddled with errors so read with caution. I will try to correct the information as well as add additional information about the bosses not present in the strategy guide if I can.

Quad-Wielding Swordsman


  • Sigmund
  • Siegfried
  • Beowulf


Uzai Bat-moth


  • Thialfi
  • Hraesvelgr
  • Fjoersvartnir


Catherine Wheel


  • Skadi
  • Aurboda
  • Jarnsaxa


Evil God


  • Dolgthrasir
  • Hrungnir
  • Loki


Royal God


  • Balder
  • Vali
  • Odin


Stone Face


  • Hildsvini
  • Gullinbursti
  • Thokk


Sedimentary Bulldog


  • Grendel
  • Bergrisi
  • Farbauti


Blade Dragon


  • Hugin
  • Munin
  • Vedfolnir


Elder Dragon


  • Fafnir
  • Vidofnir
  • Kung Lindorm


Tentacle Waifu


  • Heidrun
  • Angrboda
  • Ran




  • Hrymr
  • Bergelmir
  • Mimir


Soul Reaper


  • Charon
  • Death



Imaimashii Beetle


  • Borr ♂
  • Arngrim ♂
  • Bestla ♀
  • Eyfura ♀


Eroi Princess


  • Randgrid
  • Nanna
  • Hel


Vehicular Bondage


  • Chernobog
  • Abaddon



Crescent Wolf


  • Hati
  • Skoell



Legendary Raven


  • Ruhiel
  • Rashiel



Legendary Tortoise


  • Satet
  • Apesh



Dark Guardian


  • Verdraengung
  • Melancolia



Calamity Vabel


  • Calamity Vabel